I am Stinky Robot.

Stinky Robot is the professional nickname of Kansas City based artist Michael Smail. Obsessed with painting and the creative process since childhood. He was mentored by his grandfather Gary Hawk. A renowned rural, western and wildlife artist from Iola, Ks. Spending his childhood in his grandfather’s art studio learning how to draw, or traveling with him to help promote his art booth at various shows. During high school he took a work study class and officially gained the title apprentice to Gary Hawk. This inspired a passion for art within Michael that has lasted a lifetime.

Michael studied fine art at the University of Kansas and graphic design at Johnson County Community College. As for his persona “Stinky Robot” it came from a long running joke surrounding Michael’s last name being Smail, which is commonly mispronounced “Smell,” combined with the fact he paints robots creating a memorable nickname that stuck.

Leaning primarily toward portraits, Michael’s unique mannequin style robots appear to be human like in appearance. These mechanical machines are representative of modern man and our obsessions with technology. His work attempts to give each robot character with individual personalities and subtle emotions. He then juxtaposes the robots with animals and other elements found in nature. He is seeking the balance between mankind’s technological advancements and their relationship to the power and beauty that mother nature provides. All of these elements come together through the use of acrylic paints on a wood panels. It is those two driving forces and the balance between them that inspires Michaels artwork. Creating a surreal interpretation of our world.