Stinky Robot NFT Collection

policy ID b165570f029421b806462823f1dce6c72301c0ec32709aa9a7a20dd2


About Stinky Robot NFT’s

Series 1 NFT’s will consist of 25 Hand Painted works of art delivered over 5 drops. Minted on the Cardano blockchain with varying rarities and designs ensure wether you are a collector or investor there is an NFT for you. Select a category to learn more…

  • Michael’s Stinky Robot NFT’s are a continuation of his Mini Bots. Paintings designed to push the boundaries by setting no personal rules in this series other then being robots and painted with a very high level of detail. Mini Bot paintings are approached with the idea of pushing concepts and experimenting with new techniques, many of which will mold the future direction of his work.

  • Beginning December 15th, 2021 there will be 5 new paintings dropping every other month for a total of 25 new NFT works of art created during these 5 drops. Be sure to watch this website and social media to see the newest NFT ART as it is created and official drop dates.

  • Stinky Robot NFT’s will be minted in four different rarity categories.

    1. Common Edition - mints of 11 or more NFT’s

    2. Rare Edition - mints between 5-10 total NFT’s

    3. Ultra Rare Edition - mints between 2-5 total NFT’s

    4. Unique NFT - a mint of only 1 NFT.


Where and HOW TO BUY.

Minted on the Cardano blockchain and will be available to purchase at . It will require ADA crypto currency and a Cardano wallet to purchase. To learn how to get your wallet set up .